Brink's Complete ATM 1


Brink’s integral: cajeros automáticos

Nosotros nos encargamos de todo: propiedad de los cajeros automáticos, instalación, monitoreo de la red, gestión de proveedores, proyecciones de dinero en efectivo y generación de informes.

Brink’s integral: cajeros automáticos Overview

Servicios integrales de gestión de cajeros automáticos

Brink’s puede aprovechar su experiencia en el área de cajeros automáticos tanto dentro como fuera del establecimiento, a fin de brindar una solución completamente tercerizada que le permite a usted abordar este mercado altamente competitivo.

Permita hoy mismo que nuestros servicios integrales para cajeros automáticos lo ayuden a gestionar sus dispositivos.

Brindamos una solución completamente tercerizada para cajeros automáticos para abordar este mercado altamente competitivo.

Asset Publisher

Field services

Centralize all of your ATM field service needs including first and second line maintenance, as well as CIT. Brink's owns and manages the contracts and the SLA performance for all your vendors.

Asset management

Allow Brink's to manage your ATM asset lifecycle including purchase and acquisitions, branding, installation, moves/adds/changes and regulatory compliance.

ATM monitoring

Brink's offers a complete centralized ATM monitoring solution with comprehensive SLA management. Brink's monitoring suite allows our customers to have a real‑time view of the health of their network. You can outsource your network without losing visibility of your cash.

Cash Forecasting

Brink's state‑of‑the‑art cash forecasting is designed to maximize cash availability while minimizing residual cash and associated costs.

Brink’s integral: cajeros automáticos Details

¿Por qué Brink's integral: cajeros automáticos?

Reduce your cash exposure.

Brink's manages onsite deposits hardware and protects you against loss, eliminating interactions with the device and your overall liability.

Increase overall satisfaction and reduce teller lines.

Maximize efficiency by providing a self-service lane and shorten lines for retail customers in the process, allowing existing staff to support other branch functions.

Improve customer service.

Enable your commercial depositors to handle variances and other account issues conveniently, day or night, using 24SEVEN.